Released by the North Dakota Experiment Station in 1963
Viking is one of the progeny of a cross between Nordak and
Redskin. It was tested under the pedigree ND3815-1R.
Viking has main season maturity but has early tuber set.
Yielding ability is high. Plants are medium sized, upright and
vigorous. Stems are green, thick, non-pigmented with inconspicuous wings.
Leaves are green, slightly pubescent and open. Corolla is light pink,
anthers are orange and the pollen is low in quantity and quality.
Are large, oblong to round, medium thick, with a smooth,medium to
deep red skin. Eyes are shallow and well distributed.Culinary quality
is excellent, and specific gravity is higher than most red cultivars.
The outstanding characteristics of Viking are high yield and good culinary quality.
It is drought resistant and has moderate resistance to common scab. The variety
is well suited for table stock but does not process well.