Released jointly by Agriculture Canada and the University of Guelph,
Guelph, Ontario, Canada in 1981. Yukon Gold was selected from
a cross between W5279-4,Katahdin and Norgleam.
It was tested under the pedigree G6666-4Y.
Tubers are oval,slightly flattened, with yellow-whiteskin and light yellow tuber flesh.
It has shallow, uniquely colored pink eyes.distinguishIing Yukon Gold
from other yellow-skinned, yellow-fleshed cultivars.
Yukon Gold has medium-early maturity,moderate yields,
moderate specific gravity and relatively attractive tuber type. Plants
are medium-large to large and upright. Stems are purplish but are more green in
the upper portion of the plant. Leaf petioles extend downward. Nodes are not
swollen. Leaves have a distinct terminal leaflet with four pairs of primary
leaflets which are largest near the terminal leaflet. Secondary leaflets vary
from two on lower leaves to 6-8 on upper leaves, usually in pairs. The number of
tertiary leaves also increases from lower to upper leaves. Flowers are violet to
light-violet with yellow anthers.
Yukon Gold is resistant to mild mosaic, moderately resistant
to leafroll virus and susceptible to virus Y, common scab .
In some growing areas, hollow heart and internal heat necrosis may be a problem.
Yukon Gold retains the yellow flesh color when baked, boiled or french-fried.
The attractive tubers are well suited for fresh marketing.
Plant establishment is irregular, particularly from basal seed pieces.
Pre-cut or whole seed is used in some areas to improve plant stands
.Summary of Plant Characteristics
Released jointly by Agriculture Canada and the University of Guelph,
Guelph, Ontario, Canada in 1981. Yukon Gold was selected from
a cross between W5279-4,Katahdin and Norgleam.
It was tested under the pedigree G6666-4Y.
Tubers are oval,slightly flattened, with yellow-whiteskin and light yellow tuber flesh.
It has shallow, uniquely colored pink eyes.distinguishIing Yukon Gold
from other yellow-skinned, yellow-fleshed cultivars.
Yukon Gold has medium-early maturity,moderate yields,
moderate specific gravity and relatively attractive tuber type. Plants
are medium-large to large and upright. Stems are purplish but are more green in
the upper portion of the plant. Leaf petioles extend downward. Nodes are not
swollen. Leaves have a distinct terminal leaflet with four pairs of primary
leaflets which are largest near the terminal leaflet. Secondary leaflets vary
from two on lower leaves to 6-8 on upper leaves, usually in pairs. The number of
tertiary leaves also increases from lower to upper leaves. Flowers are violet to
light-violet with yellow anthers.
Yukon Gold is resistant to mild mosaic, moderately resistant
to leafroll virus and susceptible to virus Y, common scab .
In some growing areas, hollow heart and internal heat necrosis may be a problem.
Yukon Gold retains the yellow flesh color when baked, boiled or french-fried.
The attractive tubers are well suited for fresh marketing.
Plant establishment is irregular, particularly from basal seed pieces.
Pre-cut or whole seed is used in some areas to improve plant stands
.Summary of Plant Characteristics
- Purpose -- fresh market - boil and bake, possible for French frying
- Maturity -- early to mid season similar to Superior; determinate
- Vine -- medium, very erect, some tendency to spread
- Flowers -- violet to light violet; low frequency
- Leaves -- olive green, moderately shiny
- Stem -- 1 to 3 per plant
- Root -- moderately compact
- Emergence -- rapid
- Set -- few tubers set high
- Bulking -- early and very rapid
- Dormancy -- medium to long
- Eyes -- shallow, pinkish; few and not well distributed
- Tuber Color -- light yellow flesh
- Tuber Skin -- yellowish white, smooth
- Tuber Shape -- slightly oval and flattened, width to length = 88
- Yield -- medium
- Specific Gravity -- medium-high, 1.080s
- Storage -- well, dry rot with rough handling, soft rot due to large lenticels
- Glycoalkaloids -- low-medium (4.6 mg/100g fresh weight)
- Cooking Quality -- good with dry texture after boiling or baking; chips dark
- Internal Defects -- hollow heart in larger tubers
- Disease Reactions -- moderately susceptible to common scab, PVY, early blight, dry rot, silver scurf and black scurf; susceptible to soft rots in storage
- Pollution Sensitivity -- susceptible to ozone damage (can induce early dying)
- Herbicide Sensitivity -- none to metribuzin